Aesthetic Equipment Tlab Content of PRPHD Kit


Aesthetic Equipment Tlab PRPHD Content Tube


PRP HD Kit includes 2 PRP HD Tubes in each kit. PRP HD Tube is a 10ml volume, vacuumed tube, includes 1ml of anticoagulant. PRP HD Tube is a sterile tube. The tubes do not include Ficoll or gel. PRP HD Tubes are non-hemolytic and non-pyrogenic. It is recommended that 2 ml of PRP shall be harvested from each PRP HD a Tubes. And totally it can be harvested 4ml of PRP from a single PRP HD Kit.

Aesthetic Equipment Tlab PRPHD Content Resuspension Tube


PRP HD Kit includes 1 PRP HD Re-Suspension Tube in each kit. PRP HD RE-Suspension tube is a 5ml volume, plain tube. PRP HD Re-Suspension Tube is a sterile Tube. The tube is non-hemolytic and non-pyrogenic. Total 4 ml of PRP is collected to 5 ml PRP HD Re-suspension tube according to instructions of the manufacturer. Recommended Re-Suspension process is gently shaking the tube for 30 seconds – 1 minute.

Aesthetic Equipment Tlab PRPHD Content Phlebotomy Set


There are 2 injectors in each kit. One of them is 5ml capacity and the other one is 1 ml capacity sterile injectors. 5 ml injector is used to collect the PRP and to carry the PRP to PRP HD Re-Suspension tube. 1 ml injector is used to apply the PRP to the patient. There are 3 needles in each kit.

A Long Needle, a 21G Needle and a 30G needle. Long needle is used to harvest the PRP from PRP HD Tube and to carry the PRP from PRP HD Tube to PRP HD Re-Suspension Tube. 21G needle is used to harvest the re-suspended PRP inside from the PRP HD Re-Suspension Tube. 30G needle is for injection.

Aesthetic Equipment Tlab PRPHD Content Injectors Needles


There is a 2-pieces equipment in the kit. It is used to draw blood from patient into PRP HD Tube. No other equipment is needed to draw the whole blood from the patient.