Aesthetic Supplier

Aesthetic Supplier

Aesthetic Supplier Aesthetic Supplier : MIFILL MIFILL : Different From Other Conventional Cross- Linking HA Fillers..The existing cross-linking technology step is only the 1st step but MIFILL is continuous with 2nd and 3rd microbeading make it different and advanced..Drop us a DM for extra information. Thanks..#redomarketing #beautyequipment #distributors #asthetic #mifill #HAFiller #longlastingfiller #safe #safefiller #removable #removablefiller #instagood #instadaily #pretty #beautiful  #aestheticsupplier

Aesthetic Supplier

Aesthetic Supplier Aesthetic Supplier : PRPHD #Tlab #PRPHD #Kit is #NonSurgical procedure for #Facial and #SkinRejuvenation..Using PRPHD kit allows extraction of 3-5 times more platelets, growth factors and active proteins to stimulate new cell growth..Drop us a DM for extra information. Thanks..#redomarketing #beautyequipment #distributors #aesthetic #prp #prphd #prpfacial #skinrejuvenation #instagood #instadaily #beautiful #pretty #aestheticsupplier

Aesthetic Supplier

Aesthetic Supplier

AESTHETIC SUPPLIER Aesthetic Supplier : Tixel  Advanced Technology Fractional Skin Rejuvenation..Better For Clinic, Better For Patient. #Safe, #Simple, #Fast, #LowPain and #ShortDownTime..Benefits of #Tixel :1) Multiple Treatments2) Multiple Area3) Low Pain4) Sterile Titanium Tip5) Small and Portable6) Radiation Free.Feel free to PM us for more informations. Thanks..#redomarketing #beautyequipment #beautyequipmentmalaysia #distributor #distributormalaysia #healthandbeauty #tixel #thermalfractional #skinrejuvenation #fractionalskinrejuvenation  #aestheticsupplier

Aesthetic Supplier

Aesthetic Supplier

AESTHETIC SUPPLIER : CRYOPEN Aesthetic Supplier : Cryopen Advanced cryotherapy and new solution for removal of skin imperfections..CRYOPEN™️ OFFERS THE IDEAL TREATMENT FOR:1. Skin tags2. Solar lentigo3. Age spots4. Milia5. Warts6. Cherry angioma7. Viral verrucae.Feel free to PM us for more information. Thanks..#CryoPen #cryotherapy #skinimperfections #skintags #skintagremoval #solarlentigo #agespots #agespotremoval #milia #miliaremoval #warts #wartsremoval #cherrangioma #fast #effective #safe #skinageing #skin #beauty #beautytips #beautycare

Aesthetic Supplier

AESTHETIC SUPPLIER : SILKPEEL DERMALINFUSION Aesthetic Supplier : Silkpeel Dermalinfusion The most advanced form of microdermabrasion, Silkpeel is unique because they do not use traditional crystal. It is safe and painless. One of most popular non-ablative treatments among patients..SilkPeel offers four unique solutions: Hydrating, Vitamin C, Lumixyl and ClarityMD. Solutions Read more…

Cryopen 2019 Interview

CRYOPEN WORKSHOP 2019 : INTERVIEW DATE : 23 October 2019 VENUE : Redo Marketing Headquarter, Shah Alam. TRAINER : Nicolas Lorey, International Sales Manager of Cryopen. CryoPen is a range of powerful but easy-to-use cryosurgery instruments to treat benign skin lesions extremely accurately, quickly, effectively and with no stress or Read more…

Cryopen Workshop 2018

CRYOPEN WORKSHOP 2018 DATE : 18 December 2018 VENUE: Redo Marketing Headquarters, Shah Alam. TRAINER : Gaetan Portaels, Area Sales Manager of HO Equipments. CryoPen is a range of powerful but easy-to-use cryosurgery instruments to treat benign skin lesions extremely accurately, quickly, effectively and with no stress or pain. In Read more…